Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Back to Blogging

To blog or not to blog...

Well, I haven't really updated this thing for about a year... but I've decided to start doing this on a more regular basis. For now I suppose this will be a place to dump things going on in my life... things I'm thinking about, things I'm doing, things I'm writing. I do intend to keep this updated so if you're interested in any of these things, please pop by from time to time.

Which journal to use?

I used to keep two journals, one here on blogspot and another over on livejournal, but I think that I prefer the blogspot system more, so I'll update this one from now on. I'll automatically feed my livejournal page from here, but if you're actually interested in what's going on with me, I suppose here will be the place to come.

What's happening with your Japanese?

I went to Japan last year in order to learn Japanese... but I let my shyness and perfectionism get the best of me time and again (read: I don't practice because I'm afraid that I suck too hard), but I'm pretty much done with that. I'm back in New York for the summer (I'll write more about this later) and I'm already actively trying to practice my speaking. To keep with that, I intend to keep a simple Japanese journal as well, but I'll be keeping it on Mixi, the Japanese version of MySpace. For those of you actually interested in reading my Japanese blog, but not interested in joining the Mixi community (it's by invitation only), I may keep a copy of that blog here... but only if people actually ask (not that I really see that happening ;-)


Anonymous said...

Keep it up Jason!

sumanesq said...

Yay!!!! Welcome back to the blogging world!

Anonymous said...

Hurray!! Jason is posting again!! I know I missed you man, always do. It is always good to hear from you and to read up on you! I look forward to it sir. =D