Monday, August 21, 2006

Long Weekend

Well, Pam was away this weekend camping at Gathering of the Vibes, but somehow it didn't end up boring at all. I was pretty busy and there was a lot going on.

Friday started out pretty slow... just breakfast with a friend and working on some writing.

I started my real day in the evening (finally) meeting my Japanese Language Exchange Partner for some exciting Japanese practice... at least, that was the original plan. He was very nice and polite and his "terrible" English (according to him, not me) was so much better than my "terrible" Japanese that I wanted to just shut up. And, unfortunately, I mostly did. I hate being shy! LOL... but he was very patient and interesting, although he seemed extremely exhausted by the end of the session. Too much brain work, all this language exchange, I think. He lives on the upper-east side so we took the 4 train together, although by then I'm not sure he could process English anymore :-)

I ended up going out to the bar pretty late to meet up with Bruce and got some interesting information! He's finally quitting his job there! I'll miss him in that position, that's for sure, but I'm happy for him and I had decided to quit going there on Friday's myself anyway, so it works out pretty well! I was also introduced to some kind of flaming shot (the name of which I can't remember) and ended up doing three of them in a row. The shot has Bacardi 151 so I was quite happy for all of five minutes, then (needless to write) had to get home... very quickly :-)

Saturday morning my father gave me a call and woke me, but it was okay... I didn't really have a hang-over or anything. I was supposed to have dinner with his wife and him, but I had forgotten. Not to worry, though, he came into the city before I went out for Bruce's last Saturday and I found out that one of my favorite 焼肉 chains, 牛角, had recently opened a store in Coopers Sq! So, we went out for (way too much) yakiniku Saturday night... but it was delicious and (as I said) reminded me of home!

Bruce's last night was pretty great... I was worried at first because my friend Sue wasn't coming out, but I met a lot of other friends who usually don't go out on Saturday night so we had a blast. I paced my drinking much better--and started drinking on a full stomach, which helps sooo much! I did some kind of whiskey shot which I was supposed to like very much, so don't tell anyone how much I hated it ;-) and, of course, more flaming drinks--which seem to be all the craze these days!

I stayed out pretty late and then watched a movie when I got home, but I wasn't sick today. I just had a lazy day waiting for Pam to get back from camping, then out to a later dinner at a Polish place and finally home for some 24-action and sleep (although it's already 01:30 and I'm not really tired at all).

This week should be pretty busy... my favorite DJ's are spinning at the bar tonight so I'll be going there... plus it'll be Bruce's last Monday for hanging out. Monday night is usually good fun, though, and I get to practice my Japanese, although I'm usually a little drunk by the time my Japanese friends arrive, so I don't really learn all that much ;-)

Tuesday I have lunch with Frank (it was so great last week, I'm really looking forward to it this week), maybe meeting with my Japanese language exchange partner for some actual un-drunken practice, and finally closing the night with some Lavinia Draper! If you haven't seen her, you definitely have to! She is an absolute riot! She does a show every Tuesday night at Therapy ( starting at 23:00.

Sho is arriving at the end of the week, and there's a big party on Saturday. Hopefully he sleeps a lot on the plane :-) Should be a good week!

P.S., if you don't have the new Google toolbar, get it, it's worth it!

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