Saturday, November 24, 2007

R.I.P. Mom!

Most people who know me (and if you don't, I'm really not to sure why you're reading this) know that my mother passed away a couple of weeks ago. It's been a pretty emotional time for me—a lot of up-and-down—and I just wanted to thank everyone for being so supportive and putting up with my excessive moodiness. At least I hope it's been more excessive than normal ;-)

I also want to thank everyone who showed me a lot of support and love over the past couple of weeks. I'm pretty blessed to have so many close friends and so many friends that are willing to lend a hand when somebody's down. You're all really great and I love everybody so much!!

I wish I had a good digital picture to post but my mom still lived in the old, print days so I'll have to find one to scan at some time.

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