Monday, November 26, 2007


The party last night was a lot of fun. The drinks are cheap and they have a bit of a heavy pour so it's pretty easy to get drunk—although I'm not entirely sure that's a bad thing. Although, I do have a bit of a hangover today :-)

The next party is on the 30th and anyone who hasn't shown up should definitely come hang out. It's a really great time all around! The party's at Nowhere bar: and occurs the last Sunday of every month. Enjoy!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Very amusing

I thought this guy was sooooo funny! He has a bunch of other stuff up on youtube as well, I suggest you check him out ;)

R.I.P. Mom!

Most people who know me (and if you don't, I'm really not to sure why you're reading this) know that my mother passed away a couple of weeks ago. It's been a pretty emotional time for me—a lot of up-and-down—and I just wanted to thank everyone for being so supportive and putting up with my excessive moodiness. At least I hope it's been more excessive than normal ;-)

I also want to thank everyone who showed me a lot of support and love over the past couple of weeks. I'm pretty blessed to have so many close friends and so many friends that are willing to lend a hand when somebody's down. You're all really great and I love everybody so much!!

I wish I had a good digital picture to post but my mom still lived in the old, print days so I'll have to find one to scan at some time.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Trying to update this thing again

I decided that I'm gonna try and update this thing more regularly again. Probably much more for my benefit than any of my friends who may feel like reading my inane ramblings. I'll try to keep people generally apprised of what's going on in my life as well as add random thoughts on things I observe.

I don't know how sporadic my entries may be, so I suggest that if you're even interested in the slightest you just subscribe to the RSS feed. I'll try and apply useful labels to entries, once I figure out what might constitute as useful on a bunch of self-important ramblings.

Anyway, if you don't know about RSS or you don't have a decent reader (most browsers, including the current versions of FireFox, Safari and IE support news feeds), I suggest trying I found it to be really easy to use and worth checking out. It definitely helps keep up with friend's blogs as well as actual news sources that you might be interested in following. If anyone has any questions about it, just ask!

So that's pretty much it. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and is in good spirits for all the mad-crazy holiday shopping.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

All Grown Up

My okcupid personality has changed... I've gone from RGLD (Random Gentle Love Dreamer -- The Boy Next Door) to RGLM (Random Gentle Love Master -- The Loverboy). I think that I'm okay with that change :)

You embody the German principle of Konstantzusammenschaft, which is best described in English (without using the obscure English word "sammenschaft") as "eternal togethermanship".
The Loverboy
Random Gentle Love Master (RGLM)

Well-liked. Well-established. You are The Loverboy. Loverboys thrive in committed, steady relationships--as opposed to, say, Playboys, who want sex without too much attachment.

You've had many relationships and nearly all of them have been successful. You're a nice guy, you know the ropes, and even if you can be a little hasty with decisions, most girls think of you as a total catch. Your hastiness comes off as spontaneity most of the time anyhow, making you especially popular in your circle of friends, too.

Your exact male opposite:
The Billy Goat

Deliberate Brutal Sex Dreamer
You know not to make the typical Loverboy mistake of choosing someone who appreciates your good humor and popularity, but who offers nothing in return. You belong with someone outgoing, independent, and creative. Otherwise, you'll get bored. And then instead of surprising him with flowers or a practical joke, you'll surprise him by leaving.


CONSIDER: The Boy Next Door (RGLD), The Loverboy (RGLM)

Link: The Online Dating Persona Test @ OkCupid - free online dating.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Gravity or IF?

ID's oft-forgotten little cousin.

Evangelical Scientists Refute Gravity With New Intelligent Falling Theory

The Onion

Evangelical Scientists Refute Gravity With New 'Intelligent Falling' Theory

TOPEKA, KS-Evangelical physicists are now asserting that objects fall because a higher power is pushing them down.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Kasper Shows Pride

Is Kasper batting for the other team now? Well, I'm sure that Pam would be devastated. Of course--he could just be hitting for both teams. Does that even count as cheating? I guess as long as you're only seeing your one wife and your one boyfriend (maybe even husband soon! Go NY Senate!) it's okay, right? Bisexual Mormons must get all the fun =)

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Chaos and News

Well folks, something you've all been waiting for may just have come to pass! If you're thinking, "Did Sorted Chaos, the hot new news site add a News category?" --- you might actually be right! So now you can get your chaos in any variety from Entertainment, Technology, Programming, Design or even just plain, delicious, old-fashioned news!

Enjoy the Chaos -

Edit Note: Updated the website URL to reflect the new sortedchaos domain.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

My Supervillain Persona

I can live with my results:
You are Magneto

Lex Luthor
Dr. Doom
Green Goblin
The Joker
Mr. Freeze
Poison Ivy
Dark Phoenix
You fear the persecution of those that are different or underprivileged so much that you are willing to fight and hurt others for your cause.

Click here to take the "Which Super Villain am I?" quiz...

My Superhero Personality

Your results:
You are Green Lantern

Green Lantern
Iron Man
The Flash
Wonder Woman
Hot-headed. You have strong
will power and a good imagination.

Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test

New York Heldover

I've decided to stay in New York for a little longer than I originally planned. Once I have some stable work and I've been able to plan out my situation over the next few years move back, but I've decided not to go back right away--without any way to make money or any kind of proper visa status.

It was a really difficult decision as I've come to feel like Tokyo is home now. More and more I find it really difficult to have a life split across half the world.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Back to New York

Yesterday was my birthday and so I decided to come back to New York for the month. That way I'll be able to spend some time with Pam on her birthday as well. I'm very excited to spend some time with that Krazy Dane as well :-)

More to follow soon... yum!