Sunday, November 12, 2006

Why the Loss?

The Onion

Republicans Blame Election Losses On Democrats

WASHINGTON, DC—Republican officials are blaming tonight's GOP losses on Democrats, who they claim have engaged in a wide variety of...

As we see in this informative story, the only reason that the Republicans lost control of the house this year was the vicious, slanderous, lying slander of the lying, slanderous, liberal, red-diaper-doper-baby liberals! And the Democrats too! There's just not enough blame to go around, in my humble opinion.

We should all do our part to ensure this never happens again! If you know a Democrat, or even suspect that your neighbour may be one (evidence isn't really important here, a suspicion is all that's really necessary when we're dealing with evil of this magnitude) please (in a very non-violent way, because--and I can't stress this enough--I don't encourage violence or illegal acts of any kind) grab that person and do--by any means necessary--get them to 1) pledge their undying support to the Republican Party; and 2) promise to force their disgusting, liberal peers to never act in this fashion again. Remind them that they may still hold their disgusting ideals in their hearts and minds, but, under no circumstances whatsoever, are they to vote for people who share those misguided and just-plain-wrong vision of this beautiful, Conservative, Christian, Republican, open-minded world!

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