Sunday, November 19, 2006

Weekend Encounters

Well... after more than a year, I finally had an encounter with him. I'm sure anyone who knows me knows whom I'm talking about. Now, I've run into him from time to time around the neighborhood, but neither of us ever acknowledged each other with anything more than a passing nod.

This weekend, for whatever reason, he felt the need to talk to me. He did apologize, although it was a pretty weak apology given the circumstances. I guess it bothered me more than it should in some ways, especially since he acted so familiar with me (as if we just hadn't seen each other for a few weeks-maybe a month on the outside). However, after talking with a lot of my friends about it, I realized what a total asshole he really is. I've always pretty much known it, but I've always also defended him (at least to myself).

Now there's really nothing more to say or think about - I got involved with one of the biggest, most selfish assholes in Tokyo. And yep, he's still a whopper of one! I suppose he'd be slightly respectable if he'd followed-up with an email or something, anything more than a drunken half-apology where he demanded that I forgive him because (get this) when he disappeared, we weren't actually dating, so I really shouldn't be angry anyway.

Oh well, enough of him! At least now I won't be nervous when I see him around thinking that I'll actually do something to offend him. Anyway, I hope he's happy and can get over himself a little over the next few years. I suppose I do still love him - I'll probably never be able to truly say anything else - but I can honestly admit after this weekend that I don't like him at all - not even a little bit, and I'd never want to befriend him again in any way.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Why the Loss?

The Onion

Republicans Blame Election Losses On Democrats

WASHINGTON, DC—Republican officials are blaming tonight's GOP losses on Democrats, who they claim have engaged in a wide variety of...

As we see in this informative story, the only reason that the Republicans lost control of the house this year was the vicious, slanderous, lying slander of the lying, slanderous, liberal, red-diaper-doper-baby liberals! And the Democrats too! There's just not enough blame to go around, in my humble opinion.

We should all do our part to ensure this never happens again! If you know a Democrat, or even suspect that your neighbour may be one (evidence isn't really important here, a suspicion is all that's really necessary when we're dealing with evil of this magnitude) please (in a very non-violent way, because--and I can't stress this enough--I don't encourage violence or illegal acts of any kind) grab that person and do--by any means necessary--get them to 1) pledge their undying support to the Republican Party; and 2) promise to force their disgusting, liberal peers to never act in this fashion again. Remind them that they may still hold their disgusting ideals in their hearts and minds, but, under no circumstances whatsoever, are they to vote for people who share those misguided and just-plain-wrong vision of this beautiful, Conservative, Christian, Republican, open-minded world!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Shiny New Things

Well... it may be best to say nothing rather than prattle on in a narcissistic fashion when you really don't have much to say... but I feel I've been quiet quite long enough recently and I should exercise my brain (and tax my waning readership's patience) by posting something tonight anyway. This, I'm told, is the hallmark of the True Blogger (not that I feel that I represent the quintessential blogger, but I figured I might as well emulate them a little while someone out there is giving me all this spiffy, free blogging space).

Before I really get into this entry (although, since there really won't be any important content contained within this entry, I don't know if it's proper to start the second paragraph with Before I really get into this entry, is it?), I just want to let all my avid readers know that I really enjoy riding scooters when I take an exotic vacation in the fall. I really don't have anything else to say in this paragraph, but I feel it would be somehow wrong to end a paragraph with just one sentence-even if that sentence is just way too long and this sentence doesn't have anything to do with the previous-so I didn't. I hope that stops all the grammar-patrols from commenting on this exciting post.

Now then, on to the Shiny New Things that you've all been just dying to hear about...
(Note: I wrote this as a bulleted list because I miss writing bulleted lists for mindless managers of large corporations. If you're a mindless manager, this should really impress you! If not, please ignore this format and click some ads on the right side of this page for goodness sake!)

  • My Shiny New DVD Writer

    • That's right folks! I finally did it! I went out and bought a DVD player. I just figured that it was time... I was so sick of writing large amounts of data to a million CD's, plus I wanted to be able to write movies and television files to DVD for playback on my little, portable player when I take trips and such. I think this was a great time to buy since there are so many really fast drives out there now, DVD media has come down in price so much, and everybody wants a way-too-stupid-expensive Blu-Ray drive (p.s., I want a way-too-stupid-expensive Blu-Ray drive too, but I'm not stupid enough to waste my own money on it, so if you want to buy me one, I'll gladly let you waste yours and I'll even send you an email every day telling you how much I'm enjoying my donated-way-too-stupid-expensive Blu-Ray drive; I won't promise, however, that the email won't be automated). As a bonus which has almost nothing to do with storage media, I recently recovered and washed Pam's bike (it's been living at 早稲田ハウス for the past few--maybe more than few--months), and it looks kinda like a Shiny New Thing.

  • Taka's Shiny New Computer

    • You heard it here first! Taka's getting a Shiny New Computer so we'll finally be able to play all those exciting games together over the Internet (in case you don't know, the Internet is an interconnected group of computers created by Al Gore and distributed around the world for the entertainment of the masses and the creation of large online worlds that destroy young people's minds as well as teach violence to virtual-gun-toting-bored-salarymen across the world--and maybe even out in space, but I don't think Al Gore invented space travel, so I'm not really sure--maybe someone has a blog about it). Just so you know, he'll be able to create DVD's too, so I can't really be called the "winner" there, but he won't have a Blu-Ray either, so I suppose that could qualify me as "winning" something.

  • Joel's Shiny New Blog

    • That's right Skype Fans! Now Joel will be able to push out all his exciting new information in one place, and we can all point our really-cool RSS readers to it and never be without the information we need. Now you can kill memory-leaking-sieve(a.k.a., Skype) without worrying about missing an important news story, piece of commentary, biology trivia, or just really cool clip from youtube that you forgot to watch last week. So, definitely check out Joel's new blog at - you won't be sorry, I promise you! By the way, if you need a shiny new RSS reader, Google has one at, so check it out too! If you hate RSS and don't know how to use bookmarks, you can always find a link to Joel's blog on the right menu bar of my blog (you can find Pam's and Suman's there too, but they're not very shiny or new).

Well, that's pretty much everything that's Shiny and New this week. I promise that this won't become a weekly article or anything... but as a special bonus for those if you who read down this far: the new blogspot allows labels for your posts! Yay! What could be better than that!!

Happy Hunting!

(Note: I don't hunt nor do I endorse hunting but I like the sound of the phrase. So, please don't hunt, and if you do decide to hunt, please do it as miserably as you possibly can. If you need an image to hunt miserably, just before you go out hunting, think of Kathy Bates hobbling you as you lie helpless in bed... just like that poor little Bambi probably feels!)

Edit: Fixed a small spelling mistake, changed the line about the ads to describe where the ads now actually live on this page